1998-2001, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved
If there's hope for humanity, it's in software. I've
been preaching that message for five years now as a Technology
Evangelist for Sun Microsystems. During that time I've traveled the equivalent
of 20 times around the globe, spoken to scores of audiences, thousands
of software developers and industry professionals. And I've come
to believe.
Java was the wake-up call for me, after years of quiet cynicism.
As I've matured in my technical career and once again revisited my
youthful theatrical ambitions, I've come to realize that there is a purpose
in what we do -- and hence, what I do. And I've come to believe that
there is hope for our species. The very technologies that imprison us in
bleak cells of unintended consequences also promise hope for the future, for
the very survival of our species during these most interesting times. If
there's hope for humanity, it is in software. Let us therefore
hope for humanity in the software we create.