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Evangelist Diary
Copyright (c) Max K. Goff 1998-2001 all rights reserved

22 Sept. 2001, 10:32 PDT

We made our own flags.

It took a couple of days for the shock to subside. When we finally knew we had to do something, flying a flag seemed like a beginning. Like the rest of America, we headed for the mall seeking one and only one item: A flag of the United States of America. Trouble was, once united in purpose, the vast majority of Americans had the same thought. All flags were sold out at every store we visited.

We waited. A new Walmart Supercenter (God Bless America!) enjoyed a grand opening on the 19th. We thought for sure if we were there when the doors opened, we'd get a chance to buy our flag. Alas, a few hundred other Reno residents had the same thought...there was a mad rush for one and only one thing when the doors opened at 9am that morning... and we found ourselves still frustrated in our purpose. So we bought material and glue there at the new Walmart, and we made our flags.


The Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear
        - from the sci-fi classic "Dune" by Frank Herbert.

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

Fear is now part of our culture in America. Not since the hey-day of the Cold War has the threat of global annihilation seemed so real. In retrospect, it was always that real. The sleeper has awakened.

There some voices in America today that would have us surrender to fear. Not many, but some....students, pacifists, and others. The fear of global war is too much -- facing the potential of a faceless "holy war" is too much to consider. But how can we not? How can we not face this fear? Just consider the alternative...what if we did nothing? Better yet, what if we pulled all support for Israel, implode like the twin towers, pull all troops from the area, and stop even buying oil from the Middle East. What would the world be like if America let fear drive policies to such ends?

Would Israel die? Probably not. Not until the Terrorist regimes actually secure nuclear weapons. Then not only Israel, but the entire west would be subject to a Hitler-like threat unlike any mankind has ever seen. Radical Islam does not respect the humanity of anyone outside their closed circle. Indeed, even devout Muslims are punished under the Taliban regime. These "students" are the personification of the kind of evil that emerges through "humans" when belief systems fail to recognize the fundamentally connected nature of the universe in which we live. We are all one. The illusion of separation is a necessary thing for us; likely a strategy to grow our "souls" if you will. But we are connected. Fundamentally and completely. The Taliban has no clue when it comes to such a knowing. Their anger is likely a function of immature masculine energies gone mad, manipulated by what we can only comprehend as "evil". But their light, and that of all Terrorists all over this world, need now be extinguished, for the good of all. The good of the many outweigh the good of the few; or the good of the one. All nations, save the corrupt Taliban regime and that of the Iraqi madman-cum-dictator, have condemned the 9/11 attacks. Terrorism must die now. These are irrational men with irrational goals, with ideas which have no place in the human noosphere...not if we value an actual future for our species.

If you find that you cannot conscience the coming war, consider this - under a Taliban regime, you would have no choice and no voice. You would not be allowed to "protest" a coming war if you lived in Afghanistan (or Iraq for that matter...). Under their belief system, you'd be dead if you were:

  • gay
  • a woman and not illiterate
  • not a devout Muslim (Hindus must, by "law" (Taliban decree), wear yellow garb, to be easily identified...and espousing Christianity is strictly forbidden, i.e.: death)
  • vocal in disagreement with any of their policies
  • guilty of any number of minor human imperfections
  • The Taliban, and all radical Islamic elements, have no place in the modern world; they represent a belief system that was marginalized on this planet even before science came along...that radical element of Islam serves only to manipulate and stir the passions of primarily illiterate people. Half the adults on our planet cannot read. Given the much higher levels of adult literacy in the West, it is no wonder that in places like Somalia, where Osama bin Laden killed 18 U.S. Marines during a U.N. humanitarian mission, more that three quarters of the adults cannot read. Afghanistan is no different.

    Our enemy is illiteracy too. Once we extinguish Terrorism....indeed, as we eliminate Terrorism, elimination of illiteracy on Terra must be one of our strategic goals. Only then, when people have hope which can only come from freedom, knowledge and the opportunity that comes with it, will we move forward as a species.

    Yes, there is a Jihad coming. It's the holy war between Freedom and Fear, as President Bush has said. Freedom is our religion. Fear is the mindkiller...we cannot live long and prosper in fear. Thus, we must fight. It's either that or we die as a species and the great human experiment comes to an end. Which is less unthinkable? A holy war or the end of humanity? While we may risk the end of humanity by fighting this war, we are assured of the end of humanity if we do not.  


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