Alas, the holidays have come and gone. Liz made it the best ever for
me -- Liz and my son Dustin. The family portrait below is riddled
with a disgusting amount of happiness due entirely to those two. I
am truly blessed.
Dustin got accepted into the University of Utah computer science program;
a declared CS major is no mean feat at the 'U' in these competitive times.
When I studied CS, it wasn't even called that -- it was an adjunct to the
math department and anyone who had the desire could declare that as a major.
Not so at the 'U' in 2002. Excellent grades in a number of classes like
calculus, physics, chemistry and discreet mathmatics is required to major
in CS at the 'U' -- much has changed in 20 years. The U of Utah is an
excellent CS school, producing some of the better engineers in our industry.
I'm very proud of the young man I call my son...even if he does have more of
a penchant for Linux and PLP than Java these days.
So it's back to the grind now...I'll be leaving on Saturday for a 2 week stint
in Europe -- Helsinki, Athens, Istanbul and the Tech Days stop in
Stockholm, the city we
postponed due to the events of that one day in September last year.
Looks like I'm going to be writing a book. In December I received the news
that Sun Press (along with Prentice-Hall) had accepted a book proposal
that I submitted -- it's going to be a technical book, which I'm thrilled
to be authoring. So in addition to my other duties as a Technology Evangelist
and Editor-in-Chief of
EvangCentral, I'm also going to be authoring a text
in my copious spare time. Life is good.
By the way, here's a link to something I did late last fall. I call
it God and Innovation. If you like it,
write me and let me know. If you don't
like it...write me and let me know. :)