Max Goff                                                                                            775-284-3611
 Flesh and Blade  Lead Eroica Productions
 Lynn's Wake Lead KoulKat Productions
 Teammates  Lead Independent Int'l Films
 Chaplain Training Film  Lead U.S. Army
 Cheerleaders Beach Party  Supporting Cannon Films
 Wolfen  Featured Warner Bros.
 Simon  Featured Warner Bros.

Internet Global Network Pilot On-Camera Host and VO STAR-TV 
In-house promotional On-Camera Hoat and VO Sun Microsystems Inc. 
 Sommerset  Recurring NBC - regional
 All My Children  Featured ABC
 Another World  Featured NBC
 Guiding Light  Featured CBS
 One Life to Live  Featured ABC

new york stage
 Gray Spades  Lead 13th St.Theater
 Honorable Mention  Lead Ensemble Studio Theatre
 Dream Watcher  Lead Westside Theater Works

other stage
 The Crucible  Lead Salt Lake Acting Company
 Two Men  Lead Scenes, Tour, New Hampshire

       List available upon request

HB Studios  Elizabeth Dillon Jim Boerlin
Paul Mann Actor's Workshop Paul Mann  
Maria Greco Commercial Workshop  
 Fordham University (Lincoln Center) Theater Major  
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue

other skills
o MBA, U of San Francisco, '93 - Beta Gamma Sigma
o Technology Evangelist, Sun Microsystems
o Considerable computer experience
o Musician - guitar; singing and song writing
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