8 January 1999 Copyright, 1999, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved
The holidays are over. I've been in hibernation it seems....just been laying low. I get like that sometimes, especially around the holidays. I had planned on traveling to Washington D.C. for an Xmas celebration with friends, but ended up staying home alone as I wasn't feeling all that well. Flu season. Anyway, all's well now, I'm waking up and it's a new and exciting year.
Next week I leave for London for a day and Brussels for a day. It still amazes me how small the world has become. I'll leave New York Tuesday afternoon, spend Wednesday doing business in London, leave the next morning for Belgium, give a speech there on Thursday and then on Friday come home to New York. I don't think I'll even have time to get jet lag.
Shooting the television pilot last month has whet my appetite for more acting work. So I've made a few New Year's Resolutions in that regard. I went to dinner with my theatrical agent last night who also happens to be an old friend of mine, and basically put my cards on the table: I want to work. It's not very complicated. I'd just like to work. Of course, he can't manufacture an acting job for me. But he is an agent and he's been in the business a long time. Besides, I needed to catch up with my old friend. Monday I'm getting new head shots taken -- once I have them done I'll probably replace or add to the photos I have here on my web site.
And I joined www.backstage.com today. "Back Stage" is an industry publication targeted to actors, dancers and show musicians. For years it's simply been a weekly newspaper. Actors wait until Thursday (in New York. I think it's a Wednesday publication in Hollywood) to buy the latest copy of Back Stage, to find the most recent casting notices, or read ads for any number of services targeting actors and dancers. The television pilot I shot last month, I got from an open call announcement I read in Back Stage. Anyway, in the past couple of years, Back Stage has also started a web site. And this past week, I joined, a fee based membership that costs roughly the same as buying Back Stage each week.
I joined for several reasons. First, it's easier for me. I'm online a lot as it is. So why not read Back Stage online? Also, I'm able to see casting notices the day they're posted instead of waiting until the next hard copy issue hits the stands. In addition, I'm helping to save trees. Even though the costs are nearly the same, it makes more sense to me to get the information online. And I don't have to get messy newsprint on my hands just to find out about an audition now either.