5 May 2000
Copyright, 2000, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved

It's Cinco de Mayo, a lovely spring day in Manhattan, and online the "I LOVE YOU" virus is breaking hearts, shutting down entire enterprise-level intranets.  I heard an estimate of  US$1 billion loss as a result of this one.  How much longer will it take before CIOs realize their continued addiction to the bile from Redmond costs them dearly in the long term?  Five hundred new viruses a month I've heard.....ouch.  And they're all aimed at Wintel platforms, which make up 90% of all systems on the planet.  No wonder Linux is raging ahead -- now that the Internet is becoming so vital to world commerce, the unnecessary  exposure regarding basic security of vital components cannot be ignored.   MS-DOS, Just Say No!  :)

I think we've finished casting.  There's a web site for the production company now: Sin Productions Inc.    Liz is creating some cool artwork for the site -- we should have something of interest there before too long.  I'm thrilled at the level of professionalism we've seen with the actors we've chosen.  It's a remarkable group.  I'm honored to be part of this production.

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