30 September 1999
Copyright, 1999, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved
Well, I've learned some things recently.  I've learned that I have limits; a very important lesson.  I've learned that I cannot work full time as well as pursue a Ph.D. program full time and do it justice as well as write for JavaWorld as well as have any hope of doing some acting.  These past four weeks have been very educational for me in that regard.

Last Tuesday was our first test in Theoretical Computer Science.  I walked away from the experience feeling cheated, blind-sided and humiliated.  See, there was so very little correlation between what had either been discussed in class and our homework assignments and the test itself, that I was shocked.  Added to that was the reality that the particular professor hadn't given us a syllabus or a directed reading list, made the matter all the more frustrating.  I did complain to the administration for the program, as did others.  Hopefully that professor will adopt a little more cadidate-friendly approach to teaching in the future.  Or maybe I simply failed to grasp the wisdom of his teaching approach.  Either way, the experience allowed me to take a huge step back and  a good hard look at the decision I'd made to enjoin the Ph.D. process in the first place.

Last spring, when I applied for the program, my thinking was that it would be nice to take a class each semester, something to structure some free time, in order to continue to learn.  I felt a Ph.D. level course each term was something I could handle.  I still feel that way.  So I applied for the CUNY program because it is both reasonably priced and local.  And I was accepted.  It wasn't until registration that I discovered (because I had failed to ask the right questions) that CUNY only allows full time students in their Ph.D. program.  There have strict rules against one class per term students...at least the Computer Science Department does.  So...I'm leaving the program.

My illustrious Ph.D. experience made it to four weeks.  Maybe next time, I'll do a little better.  I do think I'll find a program that will allow me to work on a part time basis -- but it may take a while to find such a program.  Maybe I can find one of those programs that you can do from home in your spare time -- and for $100 get a Ph.D. based on life experience and a one page dissertation.  :)  We'll see.   For the time being, however, I'm liberated.  Short and sweet, I learned a great deal and I have a renewed appreciation for my job, my art and my life.  And I will now have time once again to appreciate all three.

My first article for JavaWorld was published.  I've submitted the second, which will most likely be published next month, and I'm working on the third, which I will submit before I leave town next week.  Next Friday I leave for Johannesburg.  The same trip will bring me to Istanbul and Moscow.  I'll be on the road two weeks.  I am looking forward to this trip -- it's been some time since I've addressed an audience and preached the gospel of technology.  It's good to get back to what it is I cherished in the first place.

This week I learned that my manager at Sun would be leaving the company for personal reasons.  I've been working with her and for her for two years now, two of the best years of my software career.  So needless to say, I will miss her.  Good luck Saloni!

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