30 December 1999
Copyright, 1999, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved
 I was asynchronous for a few days, awaiting Bell Atlantic's good graces in the way of ISDN installation.  I'm finally back on line after a several day hiatus, and life returns to normal....at least as far as my online work is concerned.  But  otherwise my life seems to have changed completely  since my last entry.

Just over one week ago, on the 22nd of December, Elizabeth Ann Harwell and I got married in front of a fire in our new fireplace in our new apartment on Ninth Avenue and 36th street (between 36th and 37th, actually). It was the winter solstice, the brightest full moon in over a century, and one magical night indeed as our union was blessed in view of three witnesses: Liz's good friend Jean, my dear friend Jerri, and my son Dustin.  The new apartment was completely vacant, ready for our move.  Since then we've packed up Liz's apartment on east 54th and brought all her stuff, which is considerable, as well as my own to the new space.  Our stuff is now boxed, mixed together in various piles on the floor.  And for a week we've been camping in a sense with our campfires in the fireplace, exploring unknown territories amidst the piles of boxes.  And slowly we carve out islands of civilization in box chaos, this system along with the ISDN connection to my ISP being one of them.  A year of change has been capped by a very dramatic change in the last two weeks of the year:  I've married, and I've moved.  Quite unexpectedly.

This is a holiday period at Sun.  I'll be unpacking for the next few days, as well as getting ready for another year of evangelism.  The first city I will visit in the new year is Seattle - backyard of the beast.  It should be fun.

Happy New Year, Y2K, Millennium, whatever!
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