18 Sept. 2000
Copyright, 2000, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved

It's been over three months since my last entry.  In addition to enjoying a long overdue vacation, I was also  part of an ill-fated, low budget film (which will never be released), and I'm still recovering from a lingering illness.  But nevertheless, I am now back, eager to begin again this holy crusade.

Much has changed since my last entry.  For one thing, my wife and I have decided (due primarily to a metamorphosis in her work life) to move west -- to Reno, Nevada.  She has an opportunity there that is too compelling to dismiss.  So we're planning to move our household toward the end of this year to a radically different locale.  And while I'm somewhat disappointed to be leaving Manhattan, I'm also thrilled to be returning to a part of the planet which was once home -- I grew up in Utah.  The desert beauty, the close proximity to Silicon Valley and the relative simplicity of life there all beckon.  Change is a good thing.  I'm looking forward to this one.

The evangelism season begins anew in October.  We're planning to kick off the Sun Technology Days tour in London on October 5, 2000.  This is our 4th year delivering our messages via the TechDays tour -- and I'm proud to say I've been part of it since the beginning.

It's been a good break, but it's good to be back!

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