17 December 1998 Copyright, 1998, Max K. Goff, all rights reserved
It's been a slow week...officially a week of vacation. But since my plans have changed, it's not been that different than any other work week with email and web browsing. I didn't take one conference call the entire week, as I'm on vacation. Other than that, it's been a slow week for me.
I saw some of the work I did for the pilot. It's likely I'll be dubbing in January. For the most part, it's done. And it came out nicely. Perhaps I'll even have a copy in the next few months...something more for the "reel."
Politically, impeachment and the recent bombing of Iraq have been in the forefront. News of the Micro$oft trial continues. A resolution on all these matters sure would be nice. Uncertainty. Looming uncertainty. And hence, risk.
I think I've decided what I need to do to get ready for the Y2K uncertainty. Calm, prudent preparation. If you knew a hurricane would hit on a given day, would you prepare? Probably. Or an earthquake? Or a power outage? Or a massive transportation strike?
Given the uncertainty surrounding Y2K ripples, it makes sense to prepare. Food, for example. A stock of food that will keep without refrigeration. Two weeks worth. Maybe a little more than that. And water, of course. I need to stash at least two weeks worth of food and water.
Candles. I'll need candles if the power goes out. I like candles anyway, so why not stock up? It would also be a good idea to get extra batteries, and a lamp or two...oh, and an AM/FM radio that plugs in but also runs on battery, solar or hand crank. I think they make one with a built in flashlight. And matches, of course. A whole lot of matches.
Heat is another matter. Since I live in Manhattan and hence have no control over my heat anyway, I'm as used to a too cold apartment as I am to a too warm one. If it is an extremely cold winter next year, I may be well advised to find a stand-alone source of temporary heat. But then again, if I wait too long there may be a rush on such items, if indeed they exist. So I should start looking right away.
Toilet paper, soap, toothpaste -- all the stuff I'd need anyway. I travel a lot, so I certainly know how to pack for a two week trip. Getting ready for Y2K may very similar. We may all be taking a two week trip then , a hiatus from normal routine as processes adjust to faulty systems.
Calm, prudent preparation. I've decided that's what I'm going to do. And when I speak, I will encourage others to do the same. It just makes good sense to get ready, as with any other kind of uncertain event. But it makes no sense to over react in either extreme. There are too many systems in the world for their not to be ripple effects felt from the faulty ones. So we can't just ignore it. And there are too many agents of order for there to be a total break down socially due to massive system failures. So running for the hills isn't necessary. Simply prepare for extended disruptions -- at least two weeks -- and remain calm.
Other than that, I'm going to plan on spending New Year's Eve next year right here in good old Manhattan. I live near Times Square. They estimate a crowd of half a million for the celebration next year. That, I would witness. Hopefully, everyone there will be prepared for the possibility of a power outage, and have plans for an orderly exit. I'm sure the police will be aware of that possibility and I wouldn't be surprised to see U.S. armed forces deployed in large cities in anticipation of potential problems, to ensure order. Calm, prudent preparation. It just makes sense.
New Year's Eve this year should be quite a celebration as well. I'm planning on being in Manhattan this time too....I don't have a date yet, so if you're reading this and think you'd like to be my date on New Year's, email me. :)