Time compression has hit me once again, and I seem to be remiss in my devotion to these musings. Sorry, but I have indeed been busy...I'm moving. All of my addresses will change soon...at least the physical ones. My virtual addresses will remain the same, but my physical addresses will change...are changing.
Offices at Sun here in Manhattan are being relocated to another building. Well, not just another building - the World Trade Center. The sales office is moving to the World Trade Center, and my office goes along with it. But as it turns out, I don't need an office there any longer; over the past couple of years, the online infrastructure at Sun has evolved to the point where literally all I ever need to engage Sun as my employer is a network access card and the Internet. So I really don't need an office. I need resources, most certainly. And I provide value in exchange. And a good part of the exchange of those energies is now enabled via online interactions such that all I require of a physical office is access to the occasional legacy application that has yet to be ported, or office supplies. With the new flexible field office arrangement starting here in Manhattan early next year, I'll only need to tie down Sun equipment and desk space when I actualy need it, which is to say that much less desk space will be needed - in my case, the savings is probably something like 95% - and Sun will reduce costs accordingly.
My place of abode will also be moving. The new place, not far from this apartment on Ninth Avenue between 36th and 37th, is quite a bit larger than this place. And we'll need the space. By "we," I mean one Elizabeth Harwell, with whom I will share the lease, the apartment, all my stuff and my life. She's leaving her place on the east side and I mine on the west, and we'll join our lives a little south of here on the avenue. And a new chapter, indeed, an entirely new section all together, begins for both of us.
So...I'm quite busy.